XCover6Pro-SC cradles

Charging Cradles for XCover6 Pro Smartcase

Using a Smartcase? KOAMTAC designed charging solutions specifically for the XCover6 Pro Smartcase. The cradles can be assembled in many configurations depending on your unique needs, such as additional charging slots for Extended Batteries or more device slots.

Nome del modelloDescrizione
XCover6 Pro/XCover7 1-Slot Charging Cradle
for Smartcase without Spare Battery Slot
Charges x1 phone equipped with Smartcase
XCover6 Pro/XCover7 2-Slot Charging Cradle
for Smartcase
Charges x2 phones equipped with Smartcase
XCover6 Pro/XCover7 10-Slot Charging Cradle
for Smartcase
Charges x10 phones equipped with Smartcase
XCover6 Pro/XCover7 & Extended Battery
1-Slot Charging Cradle for Smartcase
Charges x1 phone equipped with Smartcase &
x1 spare Smartcase Extended Battery Pack
XCover6 Pro/XCover7 & Extended Battery
5-Slot Charging Cradle for Smartcase
Charges x5 phones equipped with Smartcases &
x5 spare Smartcase Extended Battery Packs
XCover6 Pro/XCover7 & Extended Battery
2-Slot Charging Cradle for Smartcase
Charges x2 phones equipped with Smartcase &
x2 Smartcase Extended Battery Packs
XCover6 Pro/Xcover7 & Extended Battery Pack
10-Slot Charging Cradle for Smartcase
Charges x10 phones equipped with Smartcase &
x10 Smartcase Extended Battery Packs

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